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Doing the right thing, at the right time.
About Us
We counsel our clients on their key strategic issues, leveraging our deep industry expertise and using analytical rigor to help them make informed decisions more quickly and solve their toughest and most critical business problems.
Founded in London in 1983 by three partners, we now employ more than 1,000 professionals worldwide. We advise and support global companies that are leaders in their industries.
Frequently Asked Questions
We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.
We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.
We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.
Company News
Credito d’imposta previsto dal piano Transizione 4.0
Credito d’imposta previsto dal piano Transizione 4.0 wp_1248540 Aprile 4, 2024 Ai fini della fruizione dei crediti d’imposta per investimenti in beni strumentali nuovi 4.0 e dei crediti d’imposta per investimenti in attività di ricerca e sviluppo, innovazione tecnologica e design e ideazione estetica, ivi incluse le attività di innovazione tecnologica finalizzate al raggiungimento di
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Decreto legge n.39 – Bonus Fiscali
Decreto legge n.39 – Bonus Fiscali wp_1248540 Aprile 4, 2024 Decreto-legge n° 39 entrato in vigore il 30 marzo 2024, sulle agevolazioni fiscali, e recante, nel dettaglio, misure urgenti in materia di agevolazioni fiscali. Bonus edilizi e sconto in fattura: al comma 2 prevede un regime transitorio che consente di beneficiare della cessione del credito o
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Risoluzione n.4 DF (IMU)
Risoluzione n.4 DF (IMU) wp_1248540 Aprile 4, 2024 Quesito n. 1 – Fabbricati collabenti.È stato innanzitutto chiesto un parere in ordine alla legittimità o meno della pretesa, da parte di diversi Comuni, del pagamento dell’IMU sui fabbricati collabenti (cat. catastale F/2), considerati ai fini del tributo alla stregua dei terreni fabbricabili. A parere degli istanti
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Esonerati dalla fattura elettronica
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination.
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Estensione fatturazione elettronica ai forfetari?
Supported by a robust sales force and tight cost controls, Pharm Ltd. experienced sustained double-digit growth over a number of years, only to find that their supply chain struggled to keep pace.
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All-in-One Web Solution
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Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward.
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